Cleanroom Products that utilize State-of-the-Art Technology
If you need a compliant cleanroom, Cleanetics offers the best, most advanced cleanrooms in the industry, it is important to stay up to date with all of the latest products and technology. Let Cleanetics explain to you exactly what products you need to optimize your cleanroom for your business.
ULPA-Filtered Air Shower Pass-Through
In response to
USP 800 and the need for sterile compounding pharmacies to transfer product from Hazardous Negative Pressure ISO 7 Buffer Rooms into Non-ISO-Classified work areas, the Cleanetics “ULPA-Filtered Air Shower Purge” unit creates an ISO 5 Positive Pressure Airlock between the two zones. Custom Manufactured to the specifications requested.
Double-Chamber Material Pass-Through with Touch-Pad Security Access
Pharmacies transfer products from secure clean zones into non-secure work areas subject to random by-passers, which could lead to theft. The Cleanetics “Security Enclosure” provides an added layer of protection with Touch Pad and/or Card Reader access.
Environmental Monitoring Products
Viable and Non-Viable monitoring is vital to your cleanroom environmental monitoring program. Cleanetics offers Climet Particle and Microbial Monitoring Units that are trusted and preferred in the
pharmaceutical industry. Climet units are durable, ensure data integrity, have the lowest total cost of ownership, and assists in mitigating failure investigations. Contact Cleanetics for a product demonstration. Based on customer preference, we are booking in person or zoom meetings.
Bio-Gard Wall Laminate
Bio-Gard Wall Laminate is an excellent option for renovating existing substrates to create a durable, quick cleanroom environment. It provides a non-porous, heat welded, high impact surface that is resilient to aggressive disinfectants. Bio-Gard yields a seamless/homogenous finished surface free of crevices that harbor microbial growth.
Modular Cleanroom Wall Systems
Pre-fabricated composite panels, custom modular clean rooms manufactured to meet the client's needs. There are many benefits to modular cleanroom construction: expansion capabilities, relocations, and design changes that can occur with the growth of your facility. Modular cleanrooms are typically installed within a two to three week time frame.