Micro-Cleaning Services
Cleanroom Disinfecting and Sterilization Programs for Critically Controlled Environments in the Life and Health Sciences

What is Micro-cleaning?
Micro-cleaning is a vital aspect of compliance, and it is imperative to note that decontamination is not discretionary; rather, it is a federally mandated requirement. This process involves the elimination of both non-viable particles (such as dust, fibers, metals, etc...) and viable particles (such as bacterial or fungal growths). Industries like biomedical, USP797 hospital pharmacies, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food production facilities, 503A/B, medical device, and all cleanroom environments recognize the essential nature of effectively decontaminating particles, including bacteria, viruses, and fungal.
Cleanetics Micro-cleaning Services Include:
- Consultative Review: The first step to building a comprehensive Micro-Cleaning Program is to identify facility processes, review of current SOP, and verify all FDA/State/DOH/cGMP regulations.
- Cleanroom Micro-Cleaning Packages: Once the initial assessment is completed, Cleanetics will present you with packages to enhance your cleanroom sterility program. We offer monthly, quarterly, bi-annual or yearly disinfecting packages.
- Cleanroom Disinfecting versus Cleaning: Cleanetics' team is trained to conduct cleaning and sterilization techniques that follow all cGMP/FDA guidelines. The first stage of a micro-cleaning program is to clean. What does that mean? Remove visible debris found in a clean room. From dust to paper products, we eliminate those first. At this time, we do a top to bottom clean: Ceiling tiles to walls, to shelving, to workstations, to the floor. When the visible signs of the room have been eliminated, this is when the disinfecting process begins. Utilizing Sporicidin Disinfectants or VHP, Cleanetics begins the top to bottom model with the facility approved disinfectant. After the appropriate kill time, this step is followed by a sterile alcohol wipe down.
- Cleanroom Certification: Cleanetics' team of experts provides cleanroom certification services to ensure that the cleanroom meets all regulatory standards, including testing and certification for ISO 14644-1 and USP 797/800 compliance.
- Training and Education: Cleanetics offers training and ongoing education services to ensure your staff understands the importance of cleanroom disinfecting practices. This encompasses training on safety protocols, cleanroom procedures, and cleanroom best practices.
- Ongoing Support: Cleanetics is here for you with ongoing support to ensure your new cleanroom meets all regulatory standards.